Our mission is to democratize wisdom by helping our community members apply the new sciences of wisdom and mindfulness to challenging projects in life, work, and the community.
If you want to increase your ability to address a difficult decision or tackle a challenging project in your personal life, at work, or in your community, our programs will help you develop the state of mind conducive to better decision-making, the state of mind known as 'flow'. Flow occurs when we are participating in a pleasurable activity, the sense of time seems to dissolve, and we find ourselves completely alert and attentive to the present moment. When we are in flow, we can see our challenges more clearly, and it is easier to act wisely.
Join us to cultivate flow and develop the seven skills of wisdom. You will learn to apply tools that will support your decision-making in current and future projects.
The big thanks go to our community of practitioners who so fiercely have engaged with the Wisdom Project Framework and tools as well as to the many scientists in the field of wisdom and mindfulness, who have made the development of wisdom something we can all aspire to. A very special gratitude goes to Dr. John Vervaeke, whose process theory of wisdom has made it possible to dream of democratizing wisdom.